Healthy Active Lifestyle Behaviors

There are many ways to have a healthy active lifestyle. You can learn about the benefits of being healthy and active, find information about healthy active living in your community, be prepared for your physical activity, eat food that is healthy for you, take time to relax and manage stress, don’t smoke or use other tobacco products, protect yourself from the sun

Know the benefits of being healthy active living.

The goal of a healthy active living is to have a well-rounded approach to health. It’s not just about feeling physically fit it’s also about being mentally, socially, financially, and environmentally fit as well.

Healthy active lifestyles can help you:

  • Increase your physical fitness. Physical activity helps build strong muscles and bones, improves muscle tone and flexibility, promotes weight loss or maintenance goals, reduces the risk of chronic disease such as heart disease and stroke, improves sleep quality, increases energy levels throughout the day, lowers blood pressure in those who are overweight or obese and decreases depression symptoms in people with mild mental illness.
  • Improve your mental health. Regular exercise has been shown to relieve anxiety disorders by boosting moods through brain chemicals released during exercise sessions like serotonin which impacts our ability to feel happy when it’s released into our systems during physical activity. Additionally, studies have found that people who work out regularly tend to be happier than those who don’t regardless of other factors like age or income level which means there must be something else going on here besides just “feeling good” after working out!

Find information about healthy active living in your community.

Start by finding out what’s available in your area. A local community center, YMCA, fitness center and/or running club are all great places to start. If you’re not sure where to go, ask around or do an internet search on “fitness clubs” or “running clubs” in your area. You may even be able to locate a hiking club or swimming club as well!

Be prepared for your physical activity.

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but the old adage “you are what you eat” is still true. A healthy diet helps fuel your body and boost energy levels during exercise. Try to avoid eating heavy meals right before a workout or sporting event, they could make you feel sluggish during activity. Instead, eat small portions of healthy foods throughout the day to keep blood sugar levels stable.

Also keep in mind that hydration is important when exercising outdoors or playing sports: Dehydration can lead to heat illness such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke, so make sure you drink water before, during and after exercise sessions and don’t forget about sports drinks!

It’s also important for children (and adults) to get enough sleep every night but this isn’t always easy for everyone due to different schedules and responsibilities outside of school hours. If possible, try not to exert yourself too much physically after 7pm because it may interfere with getting enough restful sleep at night (or if this isn’t possible then at least try not doing anything too strenuous).

Eat food that is healthy for you.

Eating healthy is one of the best things you can do for your body and brain. The foods we eat affect our health, which in turn affects how our brains work.

  • Eat foods that are healthy for you.
  • Avoid eating too much sugar and salt, processed meat, and fat by choosing foods low in these substances. Choose whole grains instead of white bread or pasta made with enriched flour (which has extra vitamins added). Eat more vegetables than fruits because they have more fiber and vitamin C than fruit does; however, if you have a sweet tooth then eat some fresh fruit with each meal so that it doesn’t feel like deprivation!

Take time to relax and manage stress

A healthy active living involves reducing stress. Stress is a normal part of life, but it can become unhealthy when you find that you are experiencing frequent and intense periods of worry or anger.

To manage your stress:

  • Relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga help to reduce anxiety and improve energy levels. Both activities have been shown to improve mood, mental clarity, focus, and sleep quality.
  • Exercise has many benefits including improved muscle strength, bone density, heart health, blood sugar regulation (for type 2 diabetes), decreased risk for certain types of cancers (breast cancer), better sleep patterns (less insomnia), lower cholesterol levels (LDL), lower blood pressure levels (diastolic BP).

Don’t smoke or use other tobacco products.

Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States. The Surgeon General estimates smoking causes more than 480,000 premature deaths each year. Smoking remains the most common cause of preventable death in America, killing more than one million people annually.

Smoking has immediate and long-term health effects on you and those around you. The chemicals found in tobacco products can lead to cancer, heart disease and stroke the three leading causes of death in the United States for men and women.

It’s never too late to quit smoking for good; even smokers who have smoked for years can improve their health by quitting today!


The key to a healthy and active lifestyle is to find ways to make it work for you. You can start small and build from there or go all out from the beginning. The important thing is that you get started!